Luna's Story...
Join us in saving Luna, a beloved member of Feral to Family Cat Rescue, who has been battling Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Luna has endured health struggles since she was just 8 weeks old, spending much of her short life isolated in a crate at Catpurrccinos Cat Cafe. Despite the love showered upon her by guests and diligent care from staff, Luna yearned to roam freely with her feline companions.
Tragically, just as she seemed ready to explore, Luna's health took a sharp turn. A limp caught the staff's attention, prompting immediate action. After thorough testing, veterinarians diagnosed her with Neuro FIP. Without treatment, Luna's prognosis is grim. But we refuse to accept defeat.
Luna's survival hinges on urgent medical intervention, including medications and frequent vet visits totaling approximately $4000. We're committed to doing everything in our power to give Luna the fighting chance she deserves.
Please, join us in our mission to save Luna. Your generous donations will not only provide vital medical care but also offer hope to a resilient soul who has captured the hearts of all who have crossed her path. Together, let's ensure Luna's journey is one of healing and triumph.